Sesiune VIII / Session VIII
Patologie valvulară II
Valvular Pathology II
Moderatori / Co-chairpersons:
Gheorghe Cerin (Novarra, Italy)
Michael Grimm (Innsbruck, Austria)
Marco Diena (Novarra, Italy)
Vitalie Moscalu (Chişinău, Republic of Moldova)
16.30 - 16.50
RT3DE in Mitral Valve Pathology
Ovidiu Chioncel (Bucharest, Romania)
16.50 - 17.10
Perioperative Echocardiography in Degenerative Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Gheorghe Cerin (Novarra, Italy)
17.10 - 17.30
Surgical Treatment of Bileaflet Mitral Valve Prolapse
Marco Diena (Novarra, Italy)
17.30 - 17.50
Bringing Min Invasive Valve Surgery into Daily Routine
Michael Grimm (Innsbruck, Austria)
17.50 - 18.00
Fenomenul de „flail mitral valve”. Posibilităţi reconstructive de tratament chirurgical
Mitral Valve Flail. Possibilities of Reconstructive Surgical Treatment
Vitalie Moscalu, Aureliu Bătrînac, Gheorghe Manolache, Vladislav Morozan, Sergiu Barnaciuc, Iurie Guzgan, Vitalie V. Moscalu, Ala Slobozeanu, Neli Ghicavîi (Chişinău, Republic of Moldova)
18.00 - 18.10
Strategii în tratamentul trombozei de proteză valvulară cardiacă
Treatment Strategy in Thrombosis of Heart Valve Prosthesis
Gheorghe Manolache, Aureliu Bătrînac, Vitalie Moscalu, Olga Cuşnir, Vlad Morozan, Sergiu Barnaciu,
18.10 - 18.20
Plastia complexă de valvă mitrală cu neocordaje de PTFE - Studiu retrospectiv
Complex Mitral Valve Repair with PTFE Cords - The Experience of Our Clinic
Lucian Stoica, Emanuela Ciobanu, George Grădinariu, Grigore Tinică (Iaşi, Romania)
18.20 - 18.30
Eficienţa protecţiei miocardice la pacienţii valvulari evaluată prin măsurarea lactatului din sinusul
Myocardial Protection Efficiency in Patients with Valvular Disease Assessed by Coronary Sinus Lactate
Victor Cornel Raicea, Liviu Moraru, Valentin Şerban, Camelia Raicea, Iulian Raicea, Radu Deac, Horaţiu Suciu, Judit Kovacs (Târgu Mureş, Romania)